The Legends way completely embraces individual skill, confidence, creativity, and athletic excellence. The centerpiece of this approach is the individual ball handling skills or "ball wizardry." To most, "ball handling" means cuts and passes. To a Legend, it means fakes and moves on every possession of the ball. Many of these maneuvers have to be seen to be believed or even understood. One of the favorite features of our web-site, has been these videos demonstrating the skills that are an everyday, every possession, part of being a Legend.
Fake Shot
Place the standing foot 9 inches behind the ball. Withdraw the thigh of the other leg back away from the ball as if winding up for a powerful shot and rapidly bring the foot forward as if shooting. At the last second pull the toe up and make slight contact with the sole of the foot on the ball.
Fake Shot/Pull Back and Play with Outside of Foot (Puskas or "V")
Place the standing foot 9 inches behind the ball. Withdraw the thigh of the other leg back away from the ball as if winding up for a powerful shot and rapidly bring the foot forward as if shooting. At the last second pull the toe up and make slight contact with the sole of the foot on the ball. Now pull the ball back alongside the standing foot. As you pull the ball back hop backwards away from the ball so that the standing foot is always well behind the ball. To complete the move, take the ball away from the line of the pull back at a 90 degree angle with the outside of the same foot that you pulled the ball back with. Explode for 5 yards to finish.
Fake Shot/Pull Back and Play Behind Leg
Place the standing foot 9 inches behind the ball. Withdraw the thigh of the other leg back away from the ball as if winding up for a powerful shot and rapidly bring the foot forward as if shooting. At the last second pull the toe up and make slight contact with the sole of the foot on the ball. Now pull the ball back alongside the standing foot and let it go 12 inches past the standing leg. Bring the foot you pulled the ball with to the outside of the ball with the heel low and the toe up and play the ball across the back of the standing leg at a 90 degree angle to the original pull back direction with the very middle of the inside of the foot. Explode for 5 yards to finish.
Fake Shot/Maradona Turn
Place the standing foot 24 inches behind the ball. Withdraw the thigh of the other leg back away from the ball as if winding up for a powerful shot and rapidly bring the foot forward as if shooting while reaching across and in front of the body. At the last second pull the toe up and make solid contact with the sole of the foot on the ball. Pull the ball back 2 feet towards the standing foot and replace the ball with the "pull back" foot while rotating that foot 90 degrees inwards and turning the hip of that leg towards where the opponent would be standing in front of you as you turn, (If using the left foot turn the foot and body to your right. If using the right foot turn your foot and body to your left). As you are pulling the ball back and replacing the ball with the "pull back" foot lift the standing foot onto the top of the ball and, as you continue to rotate your body in a 270 degree turn, roll the ball away rapidly at a ninety degree angle from the line of the pull back with the sole of the foot that is now on top of the ball. Always maintain the rotation caused as you turned your foot 90 degrees inwards and explode for five yards to finish off the move and catch up with the ball.
Fake Shot/Inside Stepover (Rivelino)
Stand with both feet to one side of the ball. Rapidly bring the foot forward towards the ball as if to pass but miss the ball and cut the grass across the front of the ball with the sole of furthest foot to the ball until that foot is 3 inches on the other side of the ball from where it was first positioned. As you are doing this cut the grass with the other foot across the back of the ball until that foot is 12 inches on the other side of the ball from where it was first positioned. The ball should be played away with the outside of the foot that is now 3 inches from the ball at a "forwards" forty-five degree angle from the way the player is facing. Explode for 5 yards to finish.
Fake Shot/Swivel Stepover
Stand with both feet to one side of the ball. Rapidly bring the foot forward towards the ball as if to pass but miss the ball and cut the grass across the front of the ball with the sole of furthest foot to the ball until that foot is 3 inches on the other side of the ball from where it was first positioned. As you are doing this cut the grass with the other foot across the back of the ball until that foot is 12 inches on the other side of the ball from where it was first positioned, (Note: this is the same as the Rivelino but the foot placement is more to the front far side of the ball to allow the correct backward angle for the play away). The hips should now be swiveled and the ball should now be played away with the outside of the foot that is now 3 inches from the ball at a backwards 225 degree angle from the way the player is facing. Explode for 5 yards to finish.
Fake Pass/Cruyff Turn
Stand one yard behind the ball. Step towards the ball and place the standing foot between your starting position and the ball about 6 inches from the ball. Swivel the foot 90 degrees from angle of approach to the ball. With the left foot it will be 90 degrees left and vice versa with the right foot. Withdraw the thigh of the other leg back away from the ball as if winding up to strike it and rapidly bring the foot forward as if to pass. At the last split second hook the non standing foot around the far side of ball until the knee of the non standing leg is turned inwards towards the knee of the standing leg (Knock knee position) and pull ball behind you with an upward "Donkey Kicking" motion alongside the standing foot. Continue to turn to your left if you use the right foot to do move and to the right with the left foot. Explode for 5 yards to finish.
Touch & Hop (Matthews)
Stand with the ball between your toes feet about twelve inches apart. Touch the ball 6 inches with the inside of one foot (Little touch!). Hop away 24 inches sideways from the ball with the other foot (Big hop!). Turn your chest and shoulders a little away from the ball before to enhance the fake before playing the ball away at a 45 degree angle in the opposite direction to the fake with the outside of the original ball playing foot. Explode for 5 yards to finish.
Touch Hop/Outside Stepover (Matthews/Scissors)
Stand with the ball between your toes feet about twelve inches apart. Touch the ball 6 inches with the inside of one foot (Little touch!). Hop away 24 inches sideways from the ball with the other foot (Big hop!). Fake to play the ball with the outside of the original ball playing foot but cut the grass across the front of the ball with the sole of nearest foot to the ball until that foot is 12 inches on the other side of the ball from where it was first positioned. As you are doing this cut the grass with the other foot across the back of the ball so that you can play the ball away from the fake with the outside of the foot that moved across the back of the ball. The ball should be played away at a forty-five degree angle from the way the player is facing. Explode to finish.
Fake Shot/Stop, Hop & Play
As you are running forward with the ball, place the standing foot 9 inches behind the ball. Withdraw the thigh of the other leg back away from the ball as if winding up for a powerful shot and rapidly bring the foot forward as if shooting. At the last second pull the toe up and stop the ball with the sole of the foot. Then hop alongside the ball with the standing leg while simultaneously pulling the foot that stopped the ball to a position just behind the ball. Using the inside of that foot, play the ball away forward at speed and explode.
Roll Away & Play Behind Standing Leg
Put all your weight on one foot with the other foot on top of the ball. Your feet should be about shoulder width apart. Lean away from the ball and lift your furthest arm from the ball up until it is parallel to the floor as if to shield an opponent from the ball. Hop away from the imaginary opponent towards the ball and with the sole of the foot placed on the ball roll the ball sideways away from the opponent for about 15 inches. Quickly drop the inside of the same foot underneath the far side of the ball and drag the ball slightly behind your standing leg with one "donkey kick" action then explode.
Tap & Play Behind Standing Leg
Put all your weight on one foot with the other foot on top of the ball. Your feet should be about shoulder width apart. Lean away from the ball and lift your furthest arm from the ball up until it is parallel to the floor as if to shield an opponent from the ball. Hop away from the imaginary opponent towards the ball and as you do so tap the ball with the inside of the hopping foot about 15 inches. Quickly drop the inside of the other foot underneath the far side of the ball and drag the ball slightly behind your standing leg with one "donkey kick" action then explode.
Swivel/Swivel (Beardsley)
While moving sideways with the ball let it roll outside of the body-line and use the nearest foot to cut it back 6 inches along the line it was traveling. The foot contact should be made around the far side of the ball with the inside of the big toe joint area of the foot. It is important to swivel your hips to get the inside of the foot around the far side of the ball. After the initial cut back of about 6 inches you should swivel your hips in the opposite direction and cut it back along the original line with the inside of the big toe joint area of the opposite foot and explode 5 yards to finish. Note when performing the original cut back lean sideways away from the ball.
