Youth Soccer Socks Guide for Parents
Soccer socks serve three major purposes. They provide comfort and support for the ankle and, depending on the style, the foot area; protect against blisters; and finally, hold shin guards in place.
1. Study the offerings. Although socks are normally provided as part of the soccer uniform in most youth leagues, there are a number of choices if you are buying them for practice or competition.
2. Buy sturdy socks. Since children usually wear them out before they outgrow them, good socks last longer and also provide added support.
3. Compromise on mid priced socks, if in doubt. They are usually the best blend of price and quality.
4. Know your fibers. Lower-end socks are made of 100-percent acrylic/polyester, with perhaps some cotton added for comfort. Higher-end socks contain microfibers that help wick perspiration away from the body.
5. Check the details. Some higher-end soccer socks contain elasticized yarns for durability and support. Some have padded foot beds (heels and toes) made with durable yarn and elasticized arch support.
