Why You Need To Respect a Soccer Referee
While playing soccer you should never argue with the soccer referee about his decisions. Simply, a referee is the boss on the field and starting to argue with him will surely cost you a yellow and sometimes even a red card.
During my soccer carrier, I have faced several players that couldn’t just keep their mouth closed. These players were often sent off just because they couldn’t resist telling the referee that he should think little more before making his decisions.
One general rule I have on the soccer field is to never argue with a referee. I know by experience that a referee will never change his decision and it doesn’t matter if his mistake is pretty obvious.
I know that sometimes the only thing you want is to scream at the referee and tell him that he should fix a pair of binoculars before deciding whether you were standing offside or not :-) However, as you already know, this will not bring you anything good. Instead, you will get punished by a warning or even get yourself sent off the field.
All right, by now you understand that arguing with the referee is not a good idea. But what if you have a tough soccer style? Well, there is a trick to get the referee like you even when you are playing toughly. Simply, if you tackle an opponent unfairly you should always help him on his feet and also ask him if he is OK.
The mentioned above is an effective strategy to get the referee actually like you. However, some referee will pull up the yellow or red card directly no matter how much you are helping your opponent.
You have to also see the referee just like any other human being. And as you already know, all human beings make mistakes. The soccer referee is not different than any other human, which means that he will often make mistakes without being aware of it.
However, if you start to complain at his performance and argue with him you will just make him more upset. This will decrease his performance which will surely affect your team negatively.
While playing soccer you should always focus on your own game. Don’t run around and think about how poor the referee is. Instead, put more effort in performing better and try to help your team to the victory. If you start to focus on the referee to much you will lose the focus on the game.
And when you lose your focus on the game your performance will decrease automatically. This because your left and right brain half will not be able to communicate with each other properly. So, do yourself a favor and avoid arguing with the referee because you will not win anything on it.
