Why Play Soccer?
Why play soccer actually? Couldn’t you just choose some other sport? Well if you ask me, soccer should be your no 1 choice with any doubts. I mean, few things in the world are more fun than running around and kicking that leather ball :-) In this guide I have presented 4 things that should help you get answer on why play soccer.
Keeping yourself in shape - If you have trouble with keeping yourself in shape, than I can promise you that playing soccer will help you with that. Playing soccer is also a good way for building up your defense against diseases and other health problems. By practicing soccer it will be easier for you to keep your focus on work and school.
Meet new friends - Soccer is not only good for keeping yourself in shape. When you start to play soccer in a new team you will probably get 15-20 new friends. Playing soccer is a great way for meeting new people and for increasing your social network. However, you should keep in mind that you need to stay focused during the practices and not talk about non-related topics too much.
You should try to discuss non-soccer topics before and after your practice. Some coaches will force you to focus on the practice as soon as you enter the changing room door. However, this is rare unless you are involved in an elite club. If you feel down, and don’t want to go and practice you should force yourself to do it anyway.
I can ensure you that after few minutes or so you will directly feel little better. Not only because you are participating in a physical activity, but also because you teammates will start to make fun of each other. As you already know when people are laughing around you it is hard to feel down.
Becoming professional – As you may know, with hard practice and little luck you could actually become professional. However, it is impossible to say whether you will succeed or not. It is therefore important to have a backup plan to fall back on if you should not succeed. School is the best back up plan you can have and you should keep in mind to never put your soccer training ahead of your school homework.
Sponsoring your college - Passing a soccer tryout for a college team is an easy way for sponsoring your college studies. However, you should not choose a team where the tryouts tend to be very competitive. Instead, plan your strategy and choose a team where you have a reasonable chance to pass tryouts.
