What is a sprain injury?
Intro to what is a sprain
So, what is a sprain actually? Well, a sprain is an injury which generally occurs to your ligaments. This injury is usually caused by a sudden overstretching where your ligaments are generally only stretched out. However if they are completely torn, you should expect a longer recovery period. In worst case an surgery may also be necessary.
A sprain is generally detected by using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and is graded into four main degrees:
1. Minor tear or stretch of your ligament
2. A tear of your ligament that is often followed by pain or swelling
3. A complete rupture
4. The last degree is the most sever and actually breaks your ligament along with some of your bones and will require a surgery
Symptoms and signs for a sprain
The general signs and symptoms that are usually associated with a sprain injury are:
• Inflammation
• Localized pain
• Swelling
• Hard to keep the balance
• Impossible to walk properly
Joints involved
Although any joint can experience a sprain, some of the more common include:
• Your ankle - An ankle sprain is hard to recover from and you may suffer pain several months after your injury.
• Your knee - The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of your knee is probably one of the most discussed sprain injuries. Knee injuries are very disabling and unfortunately pretty common among the soccer players
• Your wrist - A common sprain area but will generally heal pretty quick
Prevention of sprain injuries
You can prevent a sprain injury by using proper safety equipment for your wrist, ankle and knee. Other prevention methods are warming up properly and perform regular stretching before and after your soccer games.
The modality for sprain injuries can be remembered as PRICE which stands for :
• Protect
• Rest
• Ice
• Compression
• Elevation
Using ice and compression will not decrease your pain and swelling but will help you to control it while you injury starts to heal by itself. Keep in mind that you should always consider to visit a doctor before starting to make your own diagnose and treatment.
Keep in mind also that soccer is a collision sport and you will get injured soon or later. However, the most soccer injuries are cause due to poor warming up or insufficient physical condition. You should therefore never start a soccer game if you feel tired or if you have not warmed up properly! Good Luck
