Welcome To The Official Maryland Soccer Referees Web Site.
Want to become a Referee?
Entry Level Referee Courses are now going on. A listing of classes is available here. This list will be updated as classes are confirmed. Please find the most convenient course and email the contact person. Attendance at all classes during a course is required in order to become licensed with USSF.
2009 Recertification Clinics are listed here. Remember, you must recertify before you can officiate any matches in 2009.
2009 Upgrades
Referees wishing to upgrade in 2009 must attend the appropriate Upgrade Clinic. Preregistration is required in order to attend either clinic.
2009 Advanced (Grade 5 & 6) Recertification Clinic
The 2009 State Referee Recertification Clinic is scheduled for February 22, 2009 (9:00am - 4:00pm) at University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). This is a mandatory clinic for all Grade 6 & 5 State Referees. You must preregister for this clinic by sending your name, address, phone number and email address to Terry Miller, SDI. Continental Breakfast and boxed lunches will be served at the clinic. The State Referee Exam will be administered as the first item on the day's agenda. There will be a nominal fee collected at the clinic.
Grade 12 "STAR" (Special Team Assistant Referee) Clinics are currently being scheduled. These classes are for representatives of NCSL or WAGS teams who need to meet the league requirement. A class list is currently available and will be updates ASAP.
