Two Soccer Shooting Drills That Will Improve Your Players Scoring Abilities
You should never begin your practice with soccer shooting drills. The reason is that your players will not be warmed up and could easily stretch their muscles which can (in worst case) hold them off the field during the whole season.
Soccer Shooting Drills – Using The Weak Foot
Improving your players weak foot shoot
Drill Set Up
Create two files of players. Place the left footed players in the left file (red) and the right footed players (gray) in the right file. Put two cones on the same place like on the image. The space between the cones should be about 1 yard.
Execution of The Drill
The first standing player in the red line starts to run slightly with a ball at his right feet on the same way like illustrated with the line on the image. Once he reaches the 18 yard box he should try to finish the attack with an accurate shoot at the goal. Once he has fired the shoot, the first standing player in the right line should perform the same run and also fire an accurate shoot, however, he would use his left foot instead. The player that scores most goals with his weak foot is the winner.
Equipment Needed
Balls, cones, marking vests
You may vary this drill by restricting your players to only shoot by using the inside, instep or outside of the foot.
Being able to shoot with both feet is very important in soccer. A player will become much more efficient in the front of the goal if he knows how to fire an accurate shoot with both feet.
Soccer Shooting Drills - Accuracy Improver
Improving your players goal scoring abilities.
Drill Set Up
Use two cones (or similar) and place 2 balls on them like on the image above. You may also skip the balls if you can’t place them on the cones. Arrange your players in a line and make sure that each of them has a ball (see image). Place two cones 1 yard from the 18 yard box line, with 2 yards between them. If you don’t have a goalkeeper available you can put a net or similar (just like I did on the image above)
Execution of The Drill
One of your players starts to drive the ball towards the 2 cones. Once he reaches the cones he should aim at one of the cones that are placed at each side of the posts and fire a well accurate shoot. If he manages to strike one of the cones he should run towards that cone, put it on the place (with the ball on it) and then continue at the back of the line. The first player that manages to reach 10 strikes is the winner.
Equipment Needed
Balls, cones
You can vary this drill on several different ways. One thing you can do is to restrict your players to only use their weak foot during the drill. You may also add a goalkeeper which will force your players to shoot harder and with more accuracy.
This drill will be appreciated whether your players are U-4 or seniors. It is great for increasing your players shooting accuracy while allowing them to have fun.
