Traffic Jam Dribbling Game
This game is just out right fun! The kids will have a blast playing this game. This drill is ideal for kids who know how to dribble but just need to learn to get their heads up and dribble under the pressures of mere congestion.
Soccer Drill contributed by: Chris Johnson
Soccer Drill Info:
This is for ages U6, U8, U10, U12. Run this soccer drill with at least 8 players but no more than 20. This soccer drill should last approximately 20 minutes on a small field. Make sure you have the following equipment: cones, flags, .
Soccer Drill Diagram
Step off a grid approximately 30X30 yards. Randomly place tall cones and training sticks (flags will work as well) in the middle of the grid. Split the group into 4 even teams who start on the corners of the grid with 1 ball per group.
On the coach’s command, the first player from each line will race through the “Traffic Jam” (training sticks and cones) in attempt to not hit a stick, cone, or another player. Once the player makes it through the traffic jam instruct them to dribble with speed to the line they are facing and pass the ball to the first player in line. That player should immediately head towards the traffic jam with speed in attempt to get through the traffic jam first. At first don’t keep score, simply let the players enjoy the close calls before playing the game. After 8-10 minutes, combine the two teams that are facing each other into one team. Next, have the players race through the traffic jam to the cone on the opposite side of the grid, around that cone and back through the traffic jam. As each player finishes the race they must sit down to signify to the group that they have completed the race. The team that has all players sitting down first wins the game.
For younger players it might be best to start with one or two players entering the traffic jam at a time.
Coaching Points:
Since all 4 players should be entering the center area at the same time make sure players are looking ahead of them with their head up.
Remind players to keep the ball close when entering the traffic area.
Technical Dribbling
