Tips for how to save a soccer penalty kick
The soccer penalty kick is probably the hardest situation you can experience as soccer goalie. At first sight it seems impossible to save a penalty kick under hard pressure even the strongest player can miss (Maradona and R.Baggio for example).
The most important thing during a penalty shot out is to keep your mind calm and put the pressure on the penalty taker. Focus is the word and do not stress whatever you do.
Here are some tips for how to save a soccer penalty kick:
1. Watch the eyes of your opponent for quick flighty movements
2. Get in the head of your opponents early
3. Make an eye contact. You could do this by giving him/her a little wink or something. Remember that you want to make your opponent think about it more than he/she should do
4. Study your opponent while he/she sets up the ball. In most cases, your opponent will do subtle things to provide you with info of where he/she will shot
5. Watch the plant foot. A general rule is that the ball will go where the foot of your opponent is pointing. However, at higher levels a smart shooter will deliberately throw off you by going to the opposite side of your plant foot point
6. Right in the shooting moment, pretend that you will dive to one side, but instead of doing that hold your ground. This will make your opponent think twice. And if he/she tries to switch direction through his/her backswing, it will normally result in a poorly kick which should be easier to save
7. Most left footed penalty kick takers like to go to their right. This is because it is just easier for them to turn on the ball
8. Favor a side - If you slide to the right or left a bit, your opponent will see the gap and sometimes shot in that direction. Try not to favor it too much though
9. Intimidate your opponent by making yourself look big. Show him/her also that you are confident. Your opponent will think that you already know where he/she will shoot
I remember taking the last penalty kick in a soccer cup in front of 100 people and I had never been so nervous in my life before. A goalkeeper has everything to win on a penalty kick and you as the taker have everything to lose. I would say that good penalty kick takers have great psychic strength combined with solid ball technique. (By the way I scored and we won the cup and yes it was the greatest feeling ever…).
