The secret to scoring more goals
The game’s all about scoring goals, so if you encourage your players to take more shots and aim the ball at the areas goalkeepers find trickiest to reach, the chances of success will improve. Here are my secrets to scoring more goals.
One of the best ways of getting your team to take more shots – and therefore score more often – is to adjust their ATTITUDE to shot taking…
Many young players won’t shoot when in a goalscoring position. Why? There are two reasons:
They are frightened of missing
To overcome the fear factor…
* Praise players for taking on a shot – this will boost their confidence and make them more likely to try a shot next time they get a chance.
* Prevent teammates from moaning when someone misses – this will help confidence and improve team spirit.
* Tell players it’s better to shoot and miss than not to shoot at all.
They lack confidence in their technique
There is only one cure to improve technique and that’s to practice! Fortunately, the techniques used in shooting are the same as used in passing, so as a player’s ability to move the ball progresses – through use of the sidefoot, instep (laces) and even outside of the foot to swerve the ball – so will their shooting.
Shooting specifics to look for include:
* Observing the 'keeper’s position – have they left a gap the attacker can exploit?
* Selecting the best technique – sidefoot for greater accuracy, or instep (laces) and good “follow through” for power?
* Non-kicking foot alongside the ball
* Head down, eyes on the ball when striking
* Body over the ball
* Contact with the middle to top half of the ball
* Composure
“Hitting the target” is obviously the most important aspect of shooting, but your team’s chances of scoring more goals will improve if they…
* Shoot wide rather than high – there’s more chance of getting a deflection that will wrong-foot the goalkeeper
* Shoot low – it’s harder for a 'keeper to reach shots along the ground because it’s further for them to travel to get down
* Shoot across the keeper – it’s tougher for them to hold these shots, and means they could divert the ball back into the path of another attacker
