The Soccer Shooting Guide
With soccer shooting mastered, you will be able to score more goals, but what you may have missed is the fact that shooting is not just about power. If you want to master the art of shooting you will also need good precision and be able to decide when to fire a well placed shoot. This will be the key points for how many goals you will score.
Good scoring ability is also important because it may increase your chances of becoming professional. But don’t get me wrong, just because you are good at scoring doesn’t mean that you will become professional, instead you must work hard to improve your weak sides, because no soccer player in the world is perfect, and I don’t think he/she will ever exist.
So, what soccer shooting methods are there?
Let’s start by taking a look what an instep drive shoot is and how you can perform it.
Soccer Shooting - Instep Drive
The instep drive shoot is generally the first skill you will learn if you have recently started to learn how to play soccer. You will often perform it when you want to strike a rolling or non-moving ball with great power. The technique used to perform it is pretty similar comparing to the instep pass, except the following points:
1. Start by approaching the ball at a slight angle
2. Second, your non-kicking foot should be placed beside the ball (not to close).
3. Third, perform a kicking pending movement and let your kicking foot move upwards after the shot.
The movement mentioned in the step above (3.) is often called follow through and will boost your shot with more power, which will result in more difficult to save shoots. Don’t limit your follow through movement, because better through movement directly means better shot.
When performing a shot try to be relaxed in your whole body. This will give you better opportunity to steer the ball where you want. Try also to remember that moving your over body forward will cause the ball to fly lower, and by moving it backwards you will force the ball to fly higher
Soccer Shooting - The Swerving Shot
A goalkeeper’s worst nightmare is a swerve shot. This type of shot will swerve while flying towards your opponent’s goalkeeper and are pretty difficult to grip. Here is an example for how to perform an swerving shot:
1. Start by approaching the ball from behind and place your non-kicking ball beside the ball
2. Keep your balance by extending your arms
3. Use the instep or the instep side of your kicking foot to hit the ball
4. Complete the swerving shot with the follow through movement
Soccer Shooting - Volley
A volley is the best option for situations when the ball is in midair. This type of shot can be difficult to execute, especially if you are new to soccer, but after practicing a while it will feel like any other natural movement. It also requires precise timing and good balance. In soccer, there are four different types of volley which are presented below.
Soccer Shooting - Full Volley
A full volley can create a powerful shoot which can be impossible to save if you get it on the goal of course (The most difficult moment when performing a full volley is to get your shot on the goal). To execute an full volley you need to follow these steps:
1 Start by moving to the area where the ball is about to land
2 Your shoulders need to be squared when facing the ball
3 To keep a good balance extend your arms to the sides
4 Now, hit the landing ball just before it touches the ground
5 Finish with completing the follow through movement
Soccer Shooting - Half Volley
A half volley is pretty similar to the full volley but is executed when the ball bounces on the ground comparing to the midair as when executing a full volley.
1. Start by moving to the area where the ball is about to land
2. Extend your arms to the sides for good balance
3. Hit the ball as soon as it bounce off the ground
4. Complete the shoot with the follow through movement
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Soccer Shooting - Side Volley
This type of volleying is often used when you have the ball bouncing at your side. Executing a side volley can be pretty difficult as it requires good balance and great precise timing.
1. Start by raising your kicking leg by the side (it should be parallel to the ground)
2. Draw back your kicking leg and bend it at the knee
3. Now try to extend your kicking leg and keep the weight on your balancing foot
4. Your front shoulder should be facing the target
5. Now try to kick the top of the ball with your instep part of the foot
6. Perform the same follow through movement as with the earlier full and half volley
Soccer Shooting - Overhead Volley
The overhead volley is pretty similar to the bicycle kick and is the most spectacular of all volleys. Here is how to perform it:
1. While the ball is flying towards you, concentrate and imagine how you will kick it
2. When the ball is approximately at your head level, perform an jump
3. Then, in a bicycle-like motion, kick the ball with power and distinction
4. Complete the overhead volley with the follow through movement
Warning: Do not perform an overhead volley with many teammates or opponents around you. You may hit an opponent’s head instead of the ball, which may cause serious head injuries
