The Soccer Gauntlet
The primary focus of THE SOCCER GAUNTLET is centered around good dribbling technique in traffic which requires vision and awareness.
Soccer Drill contributed by: Chris Johnson
Soccer Drill Info:
This is for ages U6, U8, U10, U12. Run this soccer drill with at least 4 players but no more than 16. This soccer drill should last approximately 20 minutes on a small field. Make sure you have the following equipment: cones, .
Soccer Drill Diagram
Make a grid approximately 20x15 yard. Instruct one defender to stand inside the grid without a ball. The remaining players will start on the end line with a ball.
On the coach’s command, all of the attacking players dribble at speed to the other side line avoiding the defender. If the defender wins the ball and kicks the ball out of the grid, that attacker becomes an additional defender (without a ball) on the next series. The last player to make it through the gauntlet wins the game.
* Limit the foot the attacker can dribble with
Coaching Points:
* Keep the ball close to the dribbler
* Stay in control of your body and ball
* Keep your eyes up to avoid pressure
* Dribble into space avoiding pressure
* Dribble with speed when in open space
Technical Dribbling
