The Best Soccer Move Ever
So what is the best soccer move ever? Well, that is like answering whether Adidas or Nike is the best brand or if apples are better than pears. You understand my point don’t you? However, if I am going to choose the best soccer move I’ve ever seen, then it must be the one that Ronaldinho performed while he was playing for Gremio.
He had one of the best defensive midfielders ever against him (Carlos Dunga) and had confidence to perform such difficult move. That’s what I could self confidence
This move is incredible and I have never seen anyone perform it during a game (beside Ronaldinho). Of course, you may don’t agree on that this move is the best move ever but I have never seen a more difficult and amazing move during my soccer carrier.
The move is pretty special and to perform it successfully you will need to have a lot of skills. However, nothing is impossible and this move can also be learned successfully. First time I saw it, I was thinking like “I will never learn that one”. But, after practicing on it few days I was able to perform it during my regular soccer practice. Imagine my teammates surprise when they saw the move. They were all amazed and asked me to teach them how to perform it.
So, if you want credits from your teammates then you should absolutely learn this move. One thing you should keep in mind no matter what move you want to learn is that you need to have patience. Every move can be learned if you just let it take time and of course practice regularly.
The most important thing I have learned when talking about moves is that you need to have self confidence while performing them. You will never get around your opponent if don’t have confidence in what you are doing. You can’t be afraid of failure if you want to become a better soccer player.
I always like to play with a smile (just like Ronaldinho) and really enjoy being on the field. However, if you hide yourself on the field and think like “What if I fail” you will never manage to get around your opponents.
Now, instead of explaining how to execute this move I have found two movies that shows you how to perform this move. The first video shows the move from behind and the second one from the side. Here is the best soccer move ever performed by the Ronaldinho Gaucho, Enjoy.
