Spotting New Soccer Skills
Have you ever felt that you need to learn some more soccer skills but having no clue of where to start? In this article we will discuss what strategies you can use to learn new skills regularly.
Watching Soccer on TV – This is the best source for learning new skills. Watch how the pro players execute their skills and try to copy them. One thing you should keep in mind is that you should not try to copy their way of moving on the field.
You may think that if you manage to copy the way Ronaldinho, Ronaldo or Messi are moving you will become a good soccer player. However, this is not true because you need to find your own style and make the best of it.
Write down a list of 5 skills you want to master - Writing down a list will help you rank the importance of every skill you want to learn. Write also down how much time you want to spend on learning new skills.
Spy on your teammates – Check out what your teammates are dong during your practice. Are there any skills that you can add to your "To Learn Skills List"? Of course, whether you will find new skills to learn or not will depend much on how skillful your teammates are. If they are new to soccer then finding cool soccer skills can be pretty hard.
Study your opponents - Your opponents are great for spotting new skills. Soon or later you will face an opponent that pose great soccer skills. I can admit that it is easy to get jealous at such players, but you should take that opportunity as a chance to learn something new. The next time you and he/she face each other you may be the better one.
Watch Youtube - This is a great source for spotting new soccer skills. Just type "skills for soccer" and you will get thousands of search results. However, keep in mind that every time you want to learn a new skill you need to decide if you can use it during your game. What I am trying to say is that you should not spend your time on learning skills if you can’t gain advantage on your opponents when executing it.
For example: The 360 around the world (rolling the ball under and over your foot) is a cool skill to master. But what if you want to use it in a real soccer game? Pretty useless don’t you admit? Be always sure that a skill will help you improve your game on the field and don’t learn some super fancy skills just because they are cool. Instead, spend your valuable time on learning something else.
Use your mind – If you find a move hard to execute you should sit down and visualize in your head how you are perfuming the skill in a game. Do this under 30 minutes every day. After a week you could try to perform the move again. I can ensure you that this time you will be able to perform the move at least once.
Never get satisfied – You should never get satisfied with the skills you have learned. Always try to find new ones and work on them. This is the only sure way of improving your overall soccer skills. Of course, you should not forget to practice on your old skills too. And one last thing, never give up no matter what!
