Soccer's Dreaded Tunnel of Death
This drill can be used to focus on either attacking or defending. It teaches players to take advantage of an off balanced defender by attacking with speed, or could be used to focus on good defensive posture and transition.
Soccer Drill contributed by: Chris Johnson
Soccer Drill Info:
This is for ages U10, U12, U14, U16. Run this soccer drill with at least 6 players but no more than 22. This soccer drill should last approximately 20 minutes on a 0. Make sure you have the following equipment: cones, .
Soccer Drill Diagram
Set up 3 grids connect4ed by common cones (see diagram) to create a long and skinny channel. The middle grid should be approximately 15 X 15 yards and the two end grids are 10 X 15 yards. Split the team into two groups with one on each end of the tunnel. Choose one player to start in the middle grid; this player will be the defender.
The defender is restricted to defend the middle box and disallow an attacker from dribbling through the grid to the other side. If the attacker is successful in making it to the other side, the defender stays in the middle. However, if the defender wins the ball, the attacker quickly becomes defender and is quickly attacked by the next attacker. Only use one ball, and once the attacker beats the defender, he passes to the next attacker in line. Play should be quick and players constantly attacking. If players get stuck defending too much the coach should switch them out. Keep a supply of balls handy on each end so play can continue if the ball gets knocked too far out of play.
* Play 2v2 rather than 1v1
Coaching Points:
Attacking: Focus on dribbling with speed, going at the defender, good explosive step past the defender and focus on getting behind the defender quickly.
Defending:Focus on delaying the attacker and forcing him out of the grid. Remember Fast, Slow, Outside, Low. Defender should attack defender fast, Slow down when getting near, force the defender Outside and get their posture as Low as possible.
Technical Dribbling, Technical Aggressiveness, Technical Shielding, Technical Deceptive Moves, Tactical Defending, Tactical Attacking, Tactical Transition, Tactical Role of Striker, Tactical Role of Midfielder, Tactical Role of Defender
