Soccer Tricks Plan
Soccer tricks are in general different exercises designed by soccer players to help them increase their ball control. They are also supposed to improve their arsenal of skills, which they can apply in real soccer games. There are a lot of places where you can spot new tricks. One of the best places for spotting new tricks is tournaments where many games are played in short time and a wide variety of soccer players can be observed.
You can watch thousands of freestyle soccer videos and still struggle to perform one simple flip flap trick (which is not so advanced). However, in this article I will present a plan on how to learn soccer tricks without needing to struggle with them forever. This plan is made of three parts that are crucial for whether you will succeed or not with your tricks. Now, let’s start by looking at the first part…
Feeling of the ball
Before you start to practice on any soccer trick you should first feel on the ball for 5-10 minutes. Best way for doing this is to juggle with all parts of your body. When you feel that you’ve reached the natural feeling level of the ball (when the ball feels easy to juggle with) you should jump to the next level.
While starting out with any soccer move you should keep yourself calm and relaxed. Simply, pretend like this is the funniest thing in the world (which it is! :-). Whatever you do, don’t get discouraged. My experience is that many soccer players usually give up to early as they think that a trick is too advanced for them. However, I can ensure you that any trick in the world can be mastered if you practice on it regularly by using the plan in this article and of course never give up!
Another thing you should keep in mind is the importance of practicing alone. Many soccer players want to show teammates or friends what they’ve learned. However, before you show your new learned tricks to any one you must really master them. If you are unsure of what mastering actually means you can do following;
First, perform a trick 20 times in a row. Now ask yourself; How many times did I manage to perform it successfully without dropping or losing the control of the ball? If your answer is 20 in a row, then congratulations, you have reached the master level. However if your score is lower, then you need to practice little more.
Competing with yourself
The third part of the plan is to never get satisfied what you’ve achieved. For example; one day you may have managed to learn 3 new tricks. But what if you could increase that number to 4 or higher?
Competing with yourself is a great way for maintaining what you’ve learned. Just because you are able to perform a trick 10 times in a row one day doesn’t mean that you should be satisfied with that. Try to make it to 20 and then 30 and so on…
Soccer tricks are something that takes time to learn and you need to really understand that. However, by following the plan in this article you will soon or later be able to master every soccer trick. Also, the more tricks you learn the easier you will have to learn more advanced tricks. And once again, never forget that focus and hard practice is the only way to reach your goals. Realize that there are no shortcuts!
