Soccer Goalie Training Preparation
goalie training is like a regular soccer match, preparing well for it properly is = good performance. In this article I have presented some tips that are crucial for your soccer goalie training performance. You may print this out and use it as a checklist before every practice.
1. Eat properly – It doesn’t matter how fitted you are if you don’t supply your body with proper nutrition. Your body is like a car, without gas you will not come any long. The importance of proper food cannot be emphasized enough. If you are serious with your goalkeeping (which you must be, otherwise you wouldn’t read this article) then you need to start to eat real soccer food.
Now you may wonder what and when you should eat. Well, quality carbohydrates can be found in pasta, bread, noodles, fruits, vegetables etc. You will need to eat protein and fat too but for a goalkeeper the most important source of energy comes from carbohydrates. You should try to eat a fair portion of food 3-4 hours before the start of your training
2. Sleep well - Have you ever tried to practice after a sleepless night? Well if you don’t have I can tell you that you will just walk around like a zombie without any interest in practicing. You should try to sleep at least 8 hours per night because it is the ultimate recovering period for a soccer player. This is crucial if you practice 3 or more times per week.
3. Warm up properly - The biggest mistake you can do before a practice is to start diving after balls without warming up. Soon or later you will cause yourself one or more serious injuries that will hold you off the field for several months. This is what many goalkeeper traipse with and you really need to realize the value of warming up.
A proper warm up should be more than 15 minutes and you should also have more than one sweat drop on your forehead :-) While warming up you should involve both fitness and ball exercises because you need to prepare for catching the ball too! However, the ball exercises should not involve diving and other spectacular movements. Having a teammate throwing the ball at your is enough.
4. Be focused - Never go to a training without being completely focused. You have to take every practice as an opportunity to develop your skills. I can admit that some days you feel like diving for a ball is the last thing you want to do. However, these days are crucial because it is during them you need to push yourself to stay focused and perform maximum during your training sessions.
5. Listen to music - This is a great way for increasing your focus and concentration on your soccer goalie training. I don’t know about you but listening to Rocky soundtracks makes me full of energy. It’s like being pumped up with power and you just want to run out on the field and start playing. Keep in mind to pick up music that makes you feel good. You don’t have to listen on something just because all others listen to it.
