Soccer End Zone Game
The soccer end zone game is a great soccer drill that will help coaches focus on all aspects of attacking and defending in soccer. With encorportating end zones into the game it gives players a chance to learn to attack space behind the defense and allows defenders to learn how to deny space behind them.
Soccer Drill contributed by: Chris Johnson
Soccer Drill Info:
This is for ages U10, U12, U14, U16. Run this soccer drill with at least 8 players but no more than 16. This soccer drill should last approximately 20 minutes on a 1/2 field. Make sure you have the following equipment: cones, alternate jersey.
Soccer Drill Diagram
Create a 50X30 yard grid with 5 yard end zones on each end of the field. Split the team into 2 evenly matched teams
A team scores a goal by getting the ball from one end zone (by passing or dribbling into the zone) and immediately attacking the end zone and gaining possession in the end zone on the opposite end. If the other team wins the ball before they are able to successfully gain possession in both end zones no point should be awarded.
* Limit the number of touches.
Coaching Points:
* Focus on basic passing, moving, support.
* Focus on basic defending and attacking skills.
* Focus on quick counter attacks.
Technical Dribbling, Technical Passing, Technical Receiving, Tactical Defending, Tactical Attacking, Tactical Support, Tactical Possession, Tactical Transition, Tactical Movement with/Without The Ball, Tactical Switching Point of Attack
