Soccer Conditioning Program for 5 Weeks
The following is a soccer conditioning program that can be used for all prospective soccer players. This soccer conditioning program will increase your physical abilities in order to perform maximum on the soccer field. You may don’t find this program being fun and it isn’t either.
However, during a soccer game or tryout you will stand a much bigger chance of beating your opponent or making the soccer squad if your ally follow this program strictly. One other thing with this program is that it becomes more difficult after each week. Let's look at the week one.
Soccer Conditioning Program For Week One
- Stretch, involve you whole body. Do this for 10 minutes.
- Jog, 10-15 minutes
- Hot foot 3 sets of 15 reps
- Knee jumps 3 sets of 15 reps
- Push-ups 4 sets of 25-30 reps
- Sit-ups 4 sets of 15-20 reps
- Various ball drills, 20 min (juggling, passing, heading)
Conditioning Program For Week Two
- Stretch your body for 10 minutes
- Jog, 10-15 minutes
- Hot Foot, 4 sets, (30 reps per set)
- Knee jumps, 3 sets, of 20 reps
- Push ups, 4 sets, 15 reps
- Sit ups, 4 sets, 30 reps
- Various ball drills, 25 min, (juggling, passing, heading)
Conditioning Program For Week Three
- Stretching 15 Minutes
- Jog 15 Minutes
- Sit-ups, 4 sets, 20-25 reps
- Sprints, 5 sets, 40 yard sprints wit maximum speed
- Knee jumps, 3 sets, 20 reps
- Push ups, 3 sets, 20 reps
- Squat thrust, 3 sets, 20 reps
- Various ball drills, 25 min, (juggling, passing, heading)
Conditioning Program For Week Four
- Stretching, 10-12 Minutes
- Jogging, 15 Minutes
- Sprints, 7 sets, 40 yard sprints wit maximum speed
- Push ups, 3 sets, 40 reps
- Knee jumps, 3 sets, 25 reps
- Sit ups, 3 sets, 50 reps
- Various ball drills, 30 min (juggling, passing, heading)
Conditioning Program For Week Five
- Stretching, 10-12 Minutes
- Jogging, 15 Minutes
- Push ups, 3 sets, 45 reps
- Sit ups, 3 sets, 50 reps
- Knee jumps, 3 sets, 25 reps
- Sprints, 10 set, 40 yard, full speed
- Various ball drills, 30 min, (juggling, passing, heading)
