Ronaldinho Move - How To
Ronaldinho move is a pretty advances soccer skill to master. It needs to be done quickly and your opponent should not be able to figure out what you aim to do. Start by practicing it slowly and do it right. Don’t perform it during a regular soccer match until you are 100% sure of how to do it.
You will probably need some time to master this move but you should not get discouraged by that. If you have managed to perform the move successfully then fine. But try then to perform it twice in a row and so on. My point is that you should never get satisfied and always work hard to improve your moves.
1. Start by moving the ball towards your defender
2. Keep your body relaxed
3. Don’t stare at the ball only, instead keep an eye on your opponent
4. Watch how your opponent reacts (is he/she waiting for you to make the move or does he/she running like a bull towards you?)
5. When you are close enough to your defender, try to get the ball 2-3 inches above the ground
6. Now, touch the ball fast and move it in the opposite way of your defender
7. Keep in mind that you need to accelerate fast after performing your move. If don’t, your opponent will have no problem with stealing the ball from your
8. Lift your look and watch for a teammate to pass the ball
One important thing you should keep in mind when performing a soccer move is to believe in yourself. If you think that you will fail before you make the move you will never get around your opponent.
