Perrysburg Soccer Referee
USSF New Referee and Bridge Classes Scheduled
There are one local and several area opportunities for anybody interested in becoming a USSF (travel soccer) referee to take the training class.
A Grade 9 new referee class will be conducted by the Northwest Ohio Soccer Officials Association in the 2nd Floor Conference Room of the Northwest Ohio Youth Soccer League Office, 135 Chesterfield Lane, Maumee from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on March 5 – 8. This class has a limit of 25 students and those interested are encouraged to call the NWOYSL Office (419.893.2311) to reserve a place.
The class will be conducted in Bluffton, Ohio at the Community Center on February 12, 13, 14 and 18.
A third class will be held at the Bryan Community Center on February 17, 24 and 26, while a class will be held in Findlay at the Municipal Building on February 20, 22, 27 and March 1.
Times for the classes in Bluffton, Bryan and Findlay have not been announced.
A Grade 8 bridge class for former USSF referees that did not recertify in the fall, or Grade 9 referees wishing to upgrade to Grade 8 is planned for mid to late March, although a final date or location has not been determined.
Potential referees must attend all sessions
For additional information on any of the classes, contact Tom Swaisgood, via e-mail at SWAISTE@TURBOSURF.NETor by phone at (419) 422-5371. Mr. Swaisgood is the Assistant State Director of Instruction (ASDI) for the Toledo district.
Other than the Maumee class, there is no pre-registration for the classes. The expected cost for the sessions is $25 (payable at the first meeting) and a $40 registration fee for successful completion of the test (payable when you pass the test). You must score a 75% on the test to pass. Please call to confirm locations, costs, and times.
Referees are paid $12-$20 per game for local games, and usually work in Perrysburg, Maumee, and Rossford.
Perrysburg games are played at Rivercrest Park, Buttonwood Park, and the Rt. 199 Soccer Complex. Other area games are played in Rossford, Maumee, Toledo, Whitehouse and Bowling Green.
For more information, check the soccer officials association website,, and click on training, or contact Mr. Dale Price, Perrysburg referee assignor at (419) 874-8174.
