Partner Pass and Move Warm-up
This soccer passing drill will help you focus and teach young kid how to pass with the correct surface on the foot, how to receive a ball, and move after receiving the pass.
Soccer Drill contributed by: Chris Johnson
Soccer Drill Info:
This is for ages U6, U8, U10, U12. Run this soccer drill with at least 6 players but no more than 20. This soccer drill should last approximately 15 minutes on a small field. Make sure you have the following equipment: cones, .
Soccer Drill Diagram
Create a 20X20 yard grid (you can change the size of the grid based on the number of players). Organize the players into groups of two with only one ball per group.
Each group of two should only pass to their partner while moving around the grid. Each player should be instructed to pass and receive with the inside of the foot.
Restrict the number of touches.
Coaching Points:
* Make sure the players are using the inside of the foot for both trapping and passing
* Make sure the receiving player moves his body behind the path of the ball when receiving.
* Make sure the players move after making the pass to their partner.
* Make sure the players are putting the right amount of weight and pace on each pass.
Technical Passing, Technical Receiving, Technical Turning
