Overhead Kick - How To in 8 easy steps
1. When performing an overhead kick be sure to keep your aim at the goal and concentrate on kicking the ball with accuracy.
2. You should have your eyes on the ball do not close them during the kick.
3. Try to bring the knee of your support leg toward the chest and follow up directly executing the same movement using your kicking leg. Movement of your legs will be similar to pedaling a bicycle.
4. Your kicking leg should be extended to meet the ball while you are still in the air.
5. Try to pedal down with your supporting leg and kick the ball with power.
6. Try also to pull your toes back so that your ankle have right angle when kicking the ball.
7. Extend your both arms and have your palms facing the ground. Do this to brace yourself while you are landing on the ground. behind you.
8. Keep an eye on the kicking leg until you have landed safely. Do this because you do not want to hit your head : - )
• After striking the ball, try to immediately turn your head to either side. Your body will follow and cause you to land on the side, which doesn’t hurt if you know how to land of course
• Be careful when using your arms to break the fall, because you can cause yourself serious injuries (breaking your arm).
• Always try to adjust the height of your jump to the ball with your non kicking leg. Try also to land on your palms first.
• It can be painful to land directly on your back, therefore you should learn to always place your arms about 45 degree angle from your body to mitigate the fall
• You need to have total control. This because you could easily hit someone’s head instead of the ball. Never perform this kick in tight situations because you could cause your opponents serious head injuries.
• Try to practice on a soft surface and when you master the landing you could start to practice on a grass
• By increasing the speed of your pedaling motion will indirectly increase the power of the kick
Performing an overhead kick can be dangerous especially if you are new to soccer. Before you get out and start to practice on this method of kicking, read this guide carefully and watch the video below to see how to perform it right.
