My Youth Team Won’t Listen
Youth coaches often bemoan the lack of attention by their charges. Here are some solutions from experienced age group coaches.
No one can listen until everyone is quiet and still. Don’t talk until you have this situation. A simple requirement, but frequently ignored even by experienced coaches.
Holding out a hand can help draw attention to you. Make sure all the balls are on the floor. Don’t hold a ball while you are talking unless you are going to use it for a specific demonstration.
Have the sun in front of you, not behind you. Players listen with their eyes as well as their ears, so if they have to squint, your non-verbal communication is poorer. Face the players away from any other activity.
Keep players hydrated from the start. Even before a session starts, they should have some water.
No fizzy drinks. Scientifically proven to be unhelpful and can, of course, boost arousal. Water helps maintain concentration.
Have set times for drinks, not any time. This avoids the oft said “can I have a drink now”.
Three messages at once is the maximum amount of information you should be giving. Sounds obvious, but there is a real danger of saying “and another thing” as an after thought. Players soon switch off.
No more than two people talking in each listening session. Ideally only one, with one comment from a co-coach if necessary. Talk with your whole body, not just with your mouth. Though you have to be comfortable with how you project yourself, a positive body attitude is crucial. It is said that 50% of effective communication is non-verbal, only 10% the words we use and 40% in the way they are said.
Remember you are not speaking to “little adults”, they are still children.
The messenger
A respected expert on a subject will have a more attentive audience than an amateur. If you are not the expert, use the quotes from experts – e.g. “When England warm up, they concentrate on loud communication.” Making up what you don’t know can cause problems later. If you don’t know, don’t say.
Get the players to provide answers to your questions – use their expertise. It is amazing what they know. It also tells you how much they have understood and shows you what needs to be done next.
