Match Maker Sports Scheduler
I know you are busy this time of year, so I'll keep this short.
MatchMaker Schedule Maker is a powerful, simple-to-use league scheduling and tournament bracket scheduler application designed to provide schedule makers with the capability to schedule and keep track of all their leagues and tournaments. Whether you are managing a soccer tournament bracket, softball tournament bracket, or even a youth baseball double elimination bracket tournament, you'll schedule them quickly and effortlessly with MatchMaker League Scheduler.
MatchMaker is the smart way to schedule your leagues and divisions along with any tournament bracket. You can also maximize field and court usage, track team payments, balance your leagues automatically for fairness, and much more ... all with the MatchMaker Game Scheduler!
MatchMaker is designed to make the very difficult task of sports league scheduling and creating double elimination brackets as easy as pie. We have been providing scheduling services to our customers since 1988 with thousands of installs and customers all over the world from rugby leagues in Australia to squash leagues in Zimbabwe.
Does It Sound Complicated? It's NOT!
We Make League Scheduling and Tournaments Easy
In fact, the MatchMaker Game Scheduling Program is very simple for anyone to use. D&P Software provides your ultimate solution for avoiding embarrassing scheduling mistakes! Even creating double elimination tournament brackets is easy.
With the MatchMaker League Scheduler System, you'll finally know all the details about your leagues, divisions, tournaments, teams, players, and referees. You'll always be on top of important information like:
* Where each team is scheduled to play
* Who is leading in the league standings
* Where there are available fields or courts
* When each team is scheduled to play
* Who is in charge of each team along with their contact information
You'll know absolutely everything you need to know about your leagues, teams, fields and courts -- simply by letting our affordable, user-friendly software keep you organized! It's everything you'll ever need... and it will save you time and money!
Use MatchMaker League Scheduler to schedule the following types of contests of any size:
* Soccer Tournaments
* Youth Baseball Tournaments
* Softball Tournaments
* Everyone creating a double elimination bracket
MatchMaker Benefits
MatchMaker Saves Time!
* Most leagues and tournaments take minutes to schedule using our wizard-style interface.
* Change your schedules effortlessly (especially rainouts)
MatchMaker Reduces Complaints!
* Schedules are balanced for fairness across times, dates, locations
* Allows for team preferences of fields and times
MatchMaker is an All-In-One Product!
* Schedules BOTH leagues and all types of tournaments (including pool play, double elimination bracket tournament, soccer tournament scheduling, and world cup style scheduling)
* Works for ALL sports
* Allows you to put your leagues, single elimination tournament, double elimination tournament, pool play tournament and league standings on the Web
* Keep track of your coaches and players along with their payments
What Our Users Say
"D&P Software’s MatchMaker has been a scheduler’s dream come true. The time that we have saved with MatchMaker has freed us up to focus on more people related tasks."
Max Floyd, Intramural Director, Wake Forest University
"We have been using All-Pro. Its lack of ability to control the field more closely, like preferred fields and inter-divisional play has caused us problems. We play 1 interdivisional game for every 2 in-division games, and have no ability to automatically schedule rainouts without disrupting the current schedule. These shortcomings make using All-Pro more trouble than it is worth. We're looking forward to moving to MatchMaker."
M.K. , Colorado
What the Reviews Say
"MatchMaker League Scheduler makes it virtually effortless to manage, schedule, and report league games and tournaments."
ZDNet Review
