Learning How To Play Soccer - How Long Time Does it Take?
how to play soccer is fun but how long does it actually take to become good on soccer? Well, as with everything else in life some people have it easy for learning things. While for others it takes much longer time. A good example on this is learning things in school.
You probably have/had some classmates that seem to be good on everything. Of course, your classmates may have high IQ but in most case they will have easy for learning things.
Every human being have one or several talents, the crux is to find them. However, having poor soccer talent doesn’t mean that learning how to play soccer and become good on would be impossible.
The most important thing in soccer is to have strong will to practice. This is something to keep in mind and will be crucial for your success on the field. It doesn’t matter how talented you are if you don’t take your practice seriously.
So, what do I mean with seriously? Well, I simply mean that you should live like a serious soccer player. This includes proper eating, sleeping, preparation etc. You can’t expect results from something that you have put little effort in.
In soccer, you will be forced to sacrifice things like going out with your friends or playing TV-games because you will need to practice instead.
So, where to start when learning how to play soccer? The first thing is to get into a soccer team. It doesn’t matter actually how good the team is, the purpose is to start learning how the game of soccer works.
It is hard to learn all this by yourself, especially if you have never played soccer before.
However, before joining a team I would recommend you to learn some basic soccer rules first. This will make it easier for you to understand what your teammates are talking about and terms like throw in, offside, free kick etc. will not be rocket science for you :-)
The second thing is to get right equipment. You will need a pair of soccer shoes, shin guards, a proper training jersey, shorts and socks. This is enough to get started with and you can increase your soccer cleat collection as you get more comfortable with playing soccer.
Third thing is to study guides (kicking, dribbling, passing…) presented on this site. If you don’t want to get overwhelmed by the massive info on them, I would recommend you to read every guide more than once. You can also print them out and have them as a checklist while practicing on your skills.
I know how it feels to put your foot on a soccer field for the first time. Today, 15 years after my first soccer practice I even remember what I was wearing, the weather circumstances, the field and which day it was.
I also remember wondering what I was doing there because everything was so new and hard to grip that first day. However, many years later I am glad that I found this wonderful game because there is simply nothing better than kicking a ball.
You should not get discouraged if your "learning how to play soccer curve" doesn’t point straight up. Keep in mind that learning soccer will take some time and that you will need to really work hard to become good on it.
But believe me, when you start receive credits from teammates and the crowd telling you how good you have become, it will be the best feeling ever.
I wish you good luck with your soccer carrier, and don’t forget to always do your best no matter what and you will be just fine.
