LeagueWorks Software
The team is leaving for a tournament, and where did that team roster go? The roster has to be turned in first thing at the tournament!
Has this ever happened to you? Well even if it hasn't, don't sweat. We can help.
LeagueWorksTM is a highly-recommended sports organization software package that will allow you to scrap your stack of papers, ditch the messy file management, and get organized once and for all.
Manage your Baseball, Softball, Little League, Basketball, Cheerleading, Football, Hockey, and/or Soccer organization quickly and efficiently! Try LeagueWorksTM Today!
Windows Vista: All versions of LeagueWorks have been tested with Windows Vista and only two anomalies have been found. First, Windows Vista now limits the size of popup message boxes. Some message boxes may break apart the lines of the message and display the message on multiple lines versus displaying a complete sentence on one line. Second, Windows Vista no longer supports the "Help" formats from previous versions of Windows. So, the Help system is not currently available within LeagueWorks under Windows Vista operating systems. All other functionality has been checked and LeagueWorks is compatible with Windows Vista operating systems.
