League Organizer™ Lite Version 10
Manage All Personnel
* players, coaches, managers, referees
* league administrators, volunteers
* sponsors
* automatic calculation of league ages
* creation of tryout numbers
* automatic or manual assignment of players to teams
* drag & drop assigning
* rosters, tryout forms, analysis reports
* mailing labels, registration forms
* reports on screen, printed, saved to pdf for emailing or html for web site
* lists of all league personnel
* mailing labels
* rosters printed, emailded to team personnel, posted on web
* ID cards
* lists of unassigned players
* ability ratings
* tryout rating forms and draft labels
* player counts by team, division, league
* registration forms
Account for Finances
* dues payments
* sponsor pledges and payments
* lists of dues paid and owed
* requests for payments
* payments to game officials
Transfer Data
* upload registration files to parent leagues and state or national office
* optional online registration module downloads registrations processed by the Active Network
International Support
* Supports phone numbers, postal codes, dates, and metric measurements for Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, UK, and US. Others added on request.
Optional modules
* Online Registration Module
o players register online with The Active Network
o download the registrations directly into League Organizer™
* Merge Pak
o license to run League Organizer™ on 4 additional computers within your league
* Association Module
o lets parent organizations import the names of all personnel from its leagues or clubs. These names can be sent on a disk or via the internet
