League Anayzzer for Soccer
League Analyzer for Soccer is the most sophisticated soccer scheduling, league management, tournament and statistics software available in a retail package. Set up any type of league, with any number of teams, players, officials and playing locations. Create sophisticated schedules like those used by MLS.
Run over eleven different tournament formats in real-time, each allowing any number of teams. Run in multi-user mode over a network, or create replicas of your database for on-site game reporting or home use and synchronize back in the office.
* League Setup and Management
* Set up any soccer league arrangement; from professional leagues like MLS, to collegiate-level leagues to minor and recreational leagues.
* Assign any number of teams, players, officials and playing locations to soccer leagues.
* Manage any number of seasons; save team, player and official data and transfer between seasons.
* Generate Exhibition, Regular Season, Playoff and Practice soccer schedules, blending them together into a single master schedule.
* Scheduling
* Develop sophisticated soccer schedules like those used by MLS and collegiate leagues with one of the most sophisticated scheduling algorithms in a retail software package.
* Schedule leagues with an even or odd number of teams with divisional, inter-divisional and inter-conference games.
* Once your schedules are created, use our automated officials scheduler to assign referees, umpires, scorekeepers and other officials.
* Tournament Management
* Easily manage soccer playoffs and tournaments with the most complete functionality available in any retail software package.
* Full featured scheduling algorithms with 11 different tournament formats including single and double elimination, triple knockout, 2, 3 and 4 game guarantees, consolation draws, round robin draws and more.
* Support ANY number of soccer teams with all tournament formats. No other software offers that level of tournament support.
* Statistics
* Customize statistics parameters to select only the data that you wish to report on.
* Choose from over 40 Statistics to create, save and export reports.
* Generate over 30 reports that print standings, schedules, teams and player information.
* Export to HTML and CSV (comma delimited) format so you can upload our data and report on it with any tool you choose.
* Technology
* Run the software in multi-user mode over a LAN, accessing the same database with multiple computers.
* Create replicas of your database for game reporting or working at home; synchronize your changes with all other user's data back in the office. The perfect solution for scorekeepers.
