Juggle in Soccer Tips
Juggle in soccer is not something you can learn in one day. You will need to practice a lot before you can call yourself a juggling master. In this article I will give you some tips on how to improve your juggling skills.
1. Keep the ball low and move your foot down when starting to kick the ball. By doing this you will increase your juggling skills and the ball will stay longer in the air.
2. Always juggle with both feet’s.
3. Try to practice often. Remember that practice is the key to success
4. Once you get comfortable with several juggling methods you could try using them all together. This will help you increase your quickness and eye-body coordination
5. If you have just started to learn soccer juggling you could practice with a balloon. This will develop a great touch on the ball through slow and continuous training
6. Keep your rhythm with the ball at the same level while juggling
7. Keep in mind that whatever way works for you is the right one, and if a way does not work so well it is something you can practice on to make your juggle skills better
8. Gain better control of the ball by keeping it low
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9. Don’t get panic if you are near your personal record. Try to be relaxed and just keep on juggling. 10. Always stay focused and look at the ball with a steady balance
11. Try to spin the ball toward you when dropping it. This will make the ball keep on coming back and you will not drop it on the ground as often as you would with no spin. 12. Spinning the ball is the real secret of juggling
13. The best way to start out is to use the inside of your kicking foot (the arch of your foot). This part of foot is much more flat and will enable the ball to fly straight up. Once you master this technique you could move on juggling with thighs and your head.
14. To regain control over the ball you could use a flick kick. This is easiest done by lifting you kicking leg so that your toes are parallel to the ground. Then, use your hips and thighs for power and strike the ball with the outside of the ankle. The ball will bounce straight up and hopefully (if having right amount of power) fly over your head
