Jay Jay Okocha Move – How to
The Nigerian Maradona, Jay Jay Okocha poses a great arsenal of soccer moves. In this guide I will explain to you how to execute his special lifting move aka sombrero move. You will not see many people perform this one, especially not in professional soccer where defenders are not so easy fooled. So, let’s take a look on how to perform the Jay Jay Okocha move in 5 steps...
1. Start by approaching at your defender by driving the ball smoothly forward
2. Keep your body relaxed and imagine how you are executing the move and what you are doing after you opponent is beaten
3. Now place the toe of your kicking foot a little bit under the ball and wait for your opponent to make the first move
4. Pretend like you will pass the ball to force your opponent to attack you
5. As the opponent hug for the ball, lift it over him and accelerate quickly. You need to do this fast because if your opponent regain the balance he will catch you pretty fast
• This move is great in tight situations and when having big and slow defenders against you. However you should not try to perform it against quick and fast running opponents because they will probably catch your pretty fast
• As with every soccer move you will need to practice a lot. One good rule you should have is to learn a new move every 3 weeks. When you feel that you can get around your opponent by using that particular move in a real match, start over and start to practice on a new one. On this way you will learn about 17 moves during a year which will make defenders scared to attack you because they will never know what you will do next
• If the opponent realize that he is beaten he may grab your jersey to drag you down. It is therefore important for you to keep the balance and don’t fall on the ground
• Don’t execute this move more than once per game. This because your opponents will learn your body language and will be able to decide what you aim to do
• Always try to analyze the current game situation properly before executing your move. Don’t either dribble to much because you will just make your coach and teammates angry
