Instep Shooting Drill
This drill focuses on the instep drive. This is a very important method of striking a ball as it is used in shooting. The ball is struck with the shoelace part of the foot with the toe pointed down and the ankle locked.
Soccer Drill contributed by: Chris Johnson
Soccer Drill Info:
This is for ages U6, U8, U10, U12. Run this soccer drill with at least 8 players but no more than 18. This soccer drill should last approximately 20 minutes on a small field. Make sure you have the following equipment: cones, .
Soccer Drill Diagram
Setup a grid that is 25x25 yards and place 3-4 tall cones in the middle of the grid. Divide the team into groups of 2. Partners stand on opposite sides of the grid facing each other. Each group of 2 needs a ball.
Players get points by knocking over a cone by driving the ball to their partners side of the grid. Any of the players on the side can return the ball by driving it with the instep of the foot while attempting to knock over a cone.
* Drill can be used for younger players to work on inside of the foot passing
Coaching Points:
* Striking the ball with the shoelaces, toe pointed down, ankle locked, non-kicking foot should be next to the ball and slightly behind it and pointed towards the target. Players should try to land on their kicking foot to use the full transfer of body weight.
Technical Shooting
