Individual Soccer Defense Skills
In soccer defense you cannot afford to take risks or make mistakes when attempting to win the ball from your opponent. A small mistake from you could result in a goal for your opponents especially if the culprit is the last player in defense. Thus, your main task is to keep your opponent in front of you.
So what skills do you need in soccer defense actually? Well, it is pretty hard to mention all but here are some of them that you will need to master to play well in defense.
Goal side positioning
Try to always position yourself goal side, which is between your goal and the opponent you are currently marking. By having this position you will be able to shut off most direct route to goal and you will also have good view at all times.
Approaching the ball
Close the distance between you and your opponent when he/she is about to receive the ball. As you reach him/her slow down to maintain your balance and control.
Defensive stance
Assume a slight crouched position and have your knees flexed. From this position you will be able to move in any direction. Position your legs in a staggered stance having one of your leg ahead of the other.
Preventing the turn
Prevent your opponents from turning with the ball. Try to stand near but not to close your opponent (just to make your opponent know that you are there).
Tackle the ball, not the legs of your opponent
When you opponent is too far away from you, get in close and then tackle hard to gain possession of the ball. Do not over commit in the effort as you may be beaten on the dribble.
3 Different tackling methods
Block Tackle
1. Close the distance and assume defensive stance
2. Draw your blocking foot and position it sideways
3. Face your opponent having your shoulders squared
4. Move momentum forward and drive blocking foot through the ball
5. You should keep your foot firm as you push the ball forward past your opponent
6. When you gain possession try to initiate immediately a counterattack
Poke Tackle
1. Start by closing the distance and assume the defensive stance
2. Extend your tackling foot
3. Flex your balance leg
4. Poke the ball with your toes
5. Withdraw your leg to avoid contact with your opponent
6. Chase and regain possession of the ball
Slide Tackle
1. Approaching from the side, slide on your side and have your arms extended out to the sides for balance
2. Extend your lower leg and have your upper leg flexed at the knee
3. Use the instep of your lower leg to hit the ball away
4. Try to avoid your opponent5. Jump to feet and collect the ball if possible
