Improve Your Soccer Ball Kicking Technique in 5 Steps
intro to soccer ball kicking technique
In this article you will study what you need to do in order to improve your soccer ball kicking technique. My own experience is that many players are not aware of how to kick a ball properly. The reason for this is that they’ve never learned the details behind a quality soccer kick.
You will probably notice that several of your teammates often justify their poor kick on either their shoes or on the soccer pitch. However, in 99 % of the case it is their own kicking technique that is simply not good enough. I can ensure you that after reading this article your kick will improve greatly (if you follow the advices mentioned here). Let’s start…
Soccer Ball Kicking Technique
1. The Position of Your Kicking Leg – The first point is crucial whether you will get a powerful kick or not. The technique behind it is very simple: The higher you bring your kicking leg back the more powerful kick you will get. However, it is not necessary to hit your back with the heel of your kicking foot in order to get a powerful kick :-)
2. The Position of your ankle – Try to keep the ankle of your kicking foot locked. This is one of the easiest things to forget during the kicking moment.
3. Position of your Knee - The knee of your supporting leg needs to be slightly bent. By doing this it will be easier to kick the ball with the instep part of your foot. Keep in mind that the more you bend your knee the easier you’ll have to kick the ball with your instep.
4. Distance of your supporting leg - The foot of your supporting leg needs to be about a foot away from the ball. This will make it possible to strike the ball from a 45 degree angle which will provide your kick with great power. Keep in mind also that the direction of the ball will depend in which direction your supporting foot is pointing.
5. Position of your body – If you lean your body forward your shoot will stay low to the ground. However, if you lean your body back the ball will fly higher.
Whether you are new to soccer, or have played it for some time, the points mentioned above will help you improve your kick. Leaving out one of these points will decrease the quality of your kick. If you find it hard to keep in mind everything that is mentioned here, you may print out this article and have it as a checklist while practicing.
