How to do a Robinho Pullback?
Robinho pullback move is usually performed when you have little or no room between you and the opponent. This move is often performed by Real Madrid dribbling master Robinho. This is how to perform a pullback having the ball on your right side. Start by switching your feet to move in other direction. The approach should start having the ball between the feet while driving the ball forward.
Robinho Pullback How To Video
Now, fake a shoot or pass to confuse your opponent little. With your left foot, step to the left of the ball. Your center of gravity should be over your left foot. Follow through with your right foot in a kicking motion to the top of the ball. Now, sole trap the ball and end the fake with your right foot on the ball. Your center of gravity should still be over your left foot.
Pull back
Start the ball moving backwards by scraping your cleats backward to get the ball rolling behind you. Again, your body weight should still be on your left foot.
Turn with
Turn your body clockwise with the pull back leg, pivoting on the left leg. The natural motion will be to transfer your weight to the right leg as you perform the move. If you have done everything right you should get away from your opponent having the ball in front of you.
Watch out for these
• Turning on the wrong side and running straight into your opponent
• Keep in mind to turn to the side of your trapping foot
• You must keep the ball within reach and not to far in front of you
•If the ball is to far away, an opponent may steal the ball from you
Try first to perform this move alone couple of times. When you feel that you can execute it properly try it on your regular team practice sessions. Now, when you feel confident and that you can get around your teammates with this move try it in a real soccer game.
It is a bad practice to try a soccer move without testing it out first in your regular soccer training.
