How to do a Ferenc Puskas?
Ferenc Puskas performed this move several times during the game and the most amazing thing was that every time he performed it, he managed to trick his defender. This move can be used whether you are 40 yard from your opponent’s goal or inside the penalty kick area. Keep in mind that you should not reveal the move to your opponent too early. If you do that, the opponent will have take advantage of that and clear the ball away.
When using the Puskas move you can change direction fast and also fool your defender easy and fast. The Puskas is one of the basic moves in soccer and is pretty easy to perform. It doesn’t require any advanced soccer skills to learn it properly. However you should avoid using it to often during a soccer game because defenders will usually not let you fool them more than once.
Here is how to perform the Ferenc Puskas move in 7 easy steps
1. Start first by moving the ball in front of you
2. Keep the ball near your foot as possible while moving it forward
3. Lift your head up to see where your opponents are
4. Now, quickly take a step with your kicking foot and plant your support foot on the ground
5. Use the bottom of your kicking foot to reach out for the ball
6. Perform a quick movement to pull the ball back to you
7. Now, use you kicking foot and move the ball either right (if you are right footed or left if you are left footed)
8. Finish the move with a shot or pass to a near standing teammate
And here is the original move performed by the real master
Other things to keep in mind when performing the Puskas move
• Pretend like you will shot at the goal when the opponent is about 1 yard from you. In most case your opponent will throw himself trying to block your faked shot
• Always wait until your opponent lunges for the ball before performing your Puskas move
• This move will be harder to perform on wet ground because the grip on the ball will not be any good
• Don’t perform this move often because your opponents will study your movements and you will not be able to fool them any longer
• Keep in mind to believe in yourself and do not be afraid of failure. Learning by your mistakes is the only way to success
