How to Be a Better Soccer Player
Intro to how to be a better soccer player
In this article I will present 5 general soccer tips that you can use in order to become a better soccer player. These tips are my personal favorites and I think you will enjoy them. Let’s look at the first one…
Running for 3-4 miles with Hill Runs - I like to jog for at least 3-4 miles between my regular soccer practice and games. It will help you increase your overall soccer fitness while developing a good physical shape. You should try to perform hill runs as much as possible. After 2 miles or so try to find a hill and sprint up it 5 times or so (depending on how big the hill is).
Learn to play soccer with both feet
Most soccer players prefer to use only one foot while playing soccer. However, concentrating on improving your weak foot is a way for increasing your overall soccer performance. One thing you can do in order to improve your weak foot is to juggle by only using your weak foot.
In the beginning, you may feel that it is impossible to learn different soccer skills by using your weak foot. However, you will notice several improvements within a short space of time if you just have patience and practice regularly.
Learn new things every day
Try to learn something different every day. It doesn’t have to be spectacular but it should help improving you overall soccer skills. Try to spend at least 30 min on learning new soccer skills every day. Keep in mind that the more skills you know the better you will be.
Watch Pro Games
Try to watch professional soccer games often. This may sound pretty obvious but believe me you would be amazed if you realize how few players are actually doing this. One thing you should keep in mind while watching pro games is to pick a player who actually plays on the same positions as you.
Bring a note block and write down what he is doing when having the ball, how often does he perform runs without the ball, is he playing the ball on first touch and so on. Try then to adapt these things in your own game.
Keep in mind that nothing happens over a night. You will not become a great soccer player in short time. Instead, you have to gradually work on improving your soccer skills and focusing on performing them correctly. Sticking to a good training routine and always work hard are the key things you should keep in mind.
