How To Kick a Soccer Ball Over 40 Yards
Have you ever wanted to kick a soccer ball longer than 40 yards but felt that you don’t have enough power to do it? Don’t worry about that more. In this article I will show you exactly what you need to do in order to kick the ball far away with good accuracy. Let’s start.
To kick a soccer ball far away you don’t need to have big leg muscles. Instead, the technique behind your kick is crucial for whether the ball will fly far or land few yards in front of you. It doesn’t matter which position you are playing on because being able to kick a soccer ball far away will always be important.
Here is how to kick a ball over 40 yards;
1. Kicking Leg Position - The more you bring your kicking leg back the more force you will be able to put on the ball.
2. Ankle Position - The ankle of your kicking leg should be locked.
3. Knee Position - Try to have the knee of your kicking leg slightly bent. This will make it easier to kick the soccer ball with your half instep.
4. Supporting Leg Distance - Try to have the foot of your supporting leg about a foot away from the ball. By doing this you will be able to strike the ball from a 45 degree angle which will make it possible to increase the force of your kick.
5. Direction of The Supporting Foot - The foot of your supporting leg should point in the kicking direction.
6. Body Position - To get enough height on the ball you will need to lean your body back. 20 – 30 degrees back should be enough.
Kicking a soccer ball longer than 40 yards may take you some time to learn. It took me a lot of time and practice to master 40 yards kicks. However, just because I was forced to practice so much doesn’t mean that you should also need to do it.
Things mentioned in this article can be hard to remember, especially if you are new to soccer. You may therefore print out this article and use it as a checklist while practicing on your 40 yards kicks. Try also to practice on your kicks by using your both legs. However, learning to kick the ball far away with your non-kicking foot will probably be much more difficult. But it can be done, you just need to practice more.
