How To Coach The Tackle Of Last Resort
In the second and final part of our focus on tackling we look at a skill that should only be used in an emergency - the slide tackle.
As we said in issue 50, there are three reasons why you should coach the correct tackling techniques:
* Mis-timed or poorly executed tackles can result in free kicks (or penalties) against your team and….
* … lead to yellow or even red cards against your players and…
* … cause serious injury to an opponent or the player themselves.
There are several ways of winning back the ball or stopping the opposition, but we’ve focused on two of the most common. Previously we looked at the Block tackle, this time it’s the turn of…
The Slide Tackle
The Slide tackle is usually used when the attacker and defender are running in the same direction and the attacker’s threat is such that the defender must stop them immediately...
To carry out the Slide tackle coach your players to:
* Approach from the side and tackle across the path of the opponent – REMEMBER, THE TACKLE FROM BEHIND HAS BEEN OUTLAWED
* Decide early whether to knock the ball out of play or ‘hook’ it to win possession
* Be decisive and committed
* Tackle using the leg furthest from the ball and keep it slightly bent
* Tuck the leg nearest the ball underneath the backside and ideally slide on the outer thigh
* Kick through the ball, or get the ball on the shoelaces (instep) and swing the leg around in a wide sweep to ‘hook’ or trap the ball with the foot
* Meet the ball solidly and make contact with the centre to top half of the ball so it doesn’t roll over the foot
* GET BACK UP as quickly as possible, whether the tackle has been successful or not
The Downside of the Slide
The problem with the Slide is that it leaves the defender lying on the ground and can leave them temporarily out of the game. That’s because, as with the Block tackle, the Slide has three possible results—the attacker keeps possession, the ball runs loose, or the defender wins the ball. By sliding, defenders make it difficult to deal with the first two of these outcomes.
Tackling Practice
* Ensure players wear shinguards
* Coach the Slide tackle on a wet day, when the ground is soft
* Make players practice sliding on both sides of their body
* Build up practice slowly – begin with a stationary ball, then have players roll or pass a ball forward to themselves and run it down.
Finally, progress to where one player dribbles forward at half speed while the other player runs in from the side and attempts the tackle.
