How To Coach Ball Control
Using this simple set up to practice ball control is an excellent way to teach young players of all age groups how important being able to control a ball is. It is one of the keys to winning soccer matches, says David Clarke.
How to use ball control in training sessions
1. The ball is played into the center player who must control and pass to the player nominated by the passer - either number 3 or number 4 (he shouts the name before passing).
2. The center player controls and passes to the player at number 3.
3. Number 3 player controls and plays the ball back into the centre player who controls and passes to the next nominated player at number 4 who controls and passes back to the center.
4. The center player passes to the player at the top of the diagram and the drill starts again at number 1.
Tell your players to vary the pass to the receiver so that he has to use both feet and at different heights so he uses different parts of the body. Get your passers to use different angles so the players concentrate on controlling the ball and putting both the ball and themselves into a position where they can make the pass. Tell your players to concentrate on good ball control techniques (see page 2) to create space to maneuver.
Key coaching tips:
Vary speed, height and angle of pass;
Vary space between players to increase difficulty;
Try restricting the player in the middle to use his weaker foot for controlling and passing.
