How To Build a Soccer Goal
Intro to how to build a soccer goal
Soccer is the most familiar and renowned game that is loved by most of the people. Whether a kid or young or old, people of all ages love this game! Soccer is the best outdoor game and has become a passion in young generation. Many try to practice this game at home, whereas few try this game as an exercise routine, while few play this game for fun.
The objective of this game is to score goal. Each team tries to kick the ball into opposition’s goal and the team that scores most goals is declared to be the winner. Many of the home practitioners like to construct the goal themselves. You just need to construct a goal post and it's quite easy to accomplish.
These days, you can enjoy this game at the back yard of your house, and it is a great idea to have your own soccer goal. Soccer goal is easy, affordable, and takes only few hours to construct. Even though you are not a champion player, you can really enjoy this game at home with your friends, or your kid can just practice the art of scoring goal.
Even many schools are not able to provide a permanent soccer field, hence many of them rely on portable soccer goals that can be adjusted and moved to places, where the game can be played.
Material required to build a soccer goal:
To start constructing a soccer goal, you require a post hole digger to dig holes! You will require two 4 by 4's vertical bars, and 2 by 4 cross bar. Again, you may need staple gun, staples, tape measure, nails, cement mixture, net, and a string to tie the nets. You can choose aluminum, steel tubing or PVC material for your vertical and horizontal bars.
Steps and precautions to build a soccer goal:
A soccer goal mainly includes a firm goal frame and a net. According to rules and regulations of FIFA the soccer goal has to be 24 by 8 feet. The goal frame at the front includes two vertical bars, which are connected by the horizontal bar. This frame is supported by the net at the back that allows the ball to stop after kicked into the goal.
The first thing you need to do is to dig the two holes in which your vertical bars are supposed to stand. It is a difficult task but you can rent the services to dig the holes for you because the whole soccer goal will be relying on these holes. Mix the concrete and pour it into the holes and wait for the concrete to harden.
According to height of your goal attach the cross bars with the help of few friends. The net you choose can be either permanent or removable one. The job of removing and placing net from time to time can be time consuming, hence you can use the improved soccer goal nets that withstands any weather conditions.
You can choose PVC pipes for the vertical and horizontal bars. Your first job is to cut them in regular lengths and prepare the frame by using the elbows. Once your cross bars are fixed to the vertical bars you can tie the net to the posts with the help of twine. Wait for at least two days for the concrete to harden, just keep up watering for few days before you start to play this lovely game of soccer.
As a precautionary measure, you should test the whole structure for safety. Especially the net used must be of good quality because the soccer ball will keep flying through the nets. To replace the nets can be costly hence use net that is at least 3mm thick.
Depending on the weather and ground conditions you need to construct the goal by studying the features of the ground. If your ground is hard you need to pour warm water to soften it. Shortly just check the stability of the goal post before starting to play.
To construct a soccer goal is really an easy task. You or your kid can enjoy or practice the game of soccer at home. There is really no need of soccer field and a portable soccer goal makes it possible for perfecting the art of soccer even at the back yard of your house.
