Get Your Strikers Hassling Defenders
Basic tasks and communication are essential in team games. Make sure your players know theirs.
Neglecting basic tasks
The 4v4 system is vital to helping your players understand their basic tasks in a soccer scenario. Every player has a least two basic tasks and, above all else, they must perform these tasks well or the whole team has to adjust to make up for the deficiency.
Basic tasks for your players
In possession of the ball
Defender: support team mates from behind the ball, pass out from defensive situations
Midfielder: link between defence and striker, establish width to pull opposition defence apart
Striker: shield the ball in attack to maintain penetration, set up and take goalscoring chances
Opposition in possession of the ball
Defender: cover striker, fill in space between opposition striker and midfield
Midfielder: cover opposition attackers, pressure player on the ball
Striker: hassle back-players, prevent long passes out of defence
Make sure your players know their tasks. Even with these simple ones it becomes clear how players can get caught between responsibilities. If your right back is attacking and loses the ball how does the rest of the team cover that position? Players can only know this if they have a good understanding of their own, and each others, tasks. Once they understand the basic tasks, they can then take on extra roles and these can create opportunities to win games.
Tips to help you coach basic tasks
* If a player fails to grasp the significance of ball possession, they won’t know if they are a defender or an attacker.
* The midfielder who thinks he is an attacker will neglect defensive duties.
* Kids who haven’t been given responsibility in their positions, as happens in the 4v4 game, and come from the “drill” school will be waiting to be told what to do. Educate them.
* Players losing concentration will neglect their tasks. A stoppage in play, tiredness or a parent or coach shouting at them will put them off.
