Falcao Move in 7 Steps
The Falcao move was named after the great indoor soccer master P.R Falcao. This move is ideal to use while you are playing indoor soccer. However, you may also perform it in your regular games as well. In this article you will learn how to execute this move in seven steps. Let’s start...
1. The first thing you should do is to place the ball to the outside of your kicking foot.
2. Now, put the sole of your kicking foot on the top of the ball.
3. Move your supporting leg one step to the left/right (if your supporting foot is right then move it to the right and vice versa) while having your kicking foot on the ball.
4. Now, pull the ball across the front of your whole body and to the left/right (if your supporting foot is left then move it to the left and vice versa). You should do this fast as possible.
5. Put your kicking foot on the ground and try to circle the ball by using your supporting foot in a clockwise motion while the ball is rolling in front of your body.
6. Stop your supporting foot once it’s on the left or right (if your supporting foot is left then you should stop the foot once is on the left side of the ball and vice versa).
7. Use the sole to grab the top of the ball.
Things to keep in mind
• Don’t get discourage if you don’t manage to perform this move directly. Instead, focus on doing right and keep on practicing.
• Don’t use this move to often either as the opponents may figure out how to stop you. Try instead to vary your moves in order to confuse your opponents.
• Done be afraid of using this move in your games. However, you should first try it out during you regular soccer practice before executing it in a real game. By doing this you will get answer on whether you need to improve it, or if you are ready to try it out in a real game.
To find out whether you are ready or not, test it 3 to 4 times on your teammates during your practice. If you manage to get around them 3 of 4 times ten you are fine. If not, keep on practicing.
• You should not either be afraid of failing while executing this move. You need to realize that without failing you will never learn anything. Have confidence in yourself while performing the Falcao move and your opponent will not have a chance against you.
