Dribbling with speed, recognizing when to dribble
This dribbling soccer drill will help players recognize when to make runs and get comfortable making those runs with speed.
Soccer Drill contributed by: Chris Johnson
Soccer Drill Info:
This is for ages U10, U12, U14, U16, U17 and up. Run this soccer drill with at least 12 players but no more than 12. This soccer drill should last approximately 20 minutes on a 1/2 field. Make sure you have the following equipment: cones, alternate jersey.
Soccer Drill Diagram
Create 2 20X20 yard grids about 12 yards apart. One grid starts with 5 attackers and 2 defenders, and the other grid starts with 4 attackers and 2 defenders. The 5v2 grid will start the play.
Players are instructed to make X number of passes (X depends on the age and skill level of the players). After x number of passes, players should choose a good opportunity to advance to the other grid on the dribble at match speed. Upon entering the new grid, the player should make a good passing decision to keep the play active and away from the defending players. Supporting players should open up the grid by getting wide and spreading out as much as possible.
* Restrict the number of touches per player while inside the grid.
* Allow one defender to track the dribbler and enter the opposing grid.
Coaching Points:
* Carry ball at speed
* Make right decision when to dribble across grid.
* Good decision when entering opposite grid. Correct decision made to keep possession.
* Players in opposite grid should get wide to give space and options to the advancing attacker.
Technical Dribbling, Tactical Movement with/Without The Ball
