Cool Soccer Moves – Do you really need them?
Before starting to learn cool soccer moves always ask yourself if you will need them in a real soccer match? If you don’t have a clear Yes on this one then you should not either spend your time on learning some fancy soccer moves when you can make use of that time to develop your other skills (shooting or heading for example).
I have faced many players that are able to do whatever they want with a ball. However, when they enter a real soccer game none of these fancy moves seem to be usable. So the main question is; why? Well, many of this cool soccer moves are nothing more than cool tricks that you can do while playing with your friends on the backyard. However, on a real soccer pitch there is simply no time to start juggling or perform 180 around the world because opponents will not give you that time.
Your opponents will not only see your attempts to execute some cool (but useless to get around opponent) as a sign on arrogance, they may also get really angry and tackle you pretty hard. I remember one friend doing the same thing in a pre-season game. The opponents told him that if he tries to make them look like idiots one more time he will not play soccer for a while.
However, my friend didn’t listen to them and one of the defenders tackled him so hard that he was forced to rest for one week. So don’t think that people will like you just because you can execute some fancy soccer moves.
Now you probably wonder what category does a useless move belongs? Well, that is a hard one to answer and it is like asking if apples are better than pear. However, if your opponents warn you and tell you to stop playing around with them, then it is a good sign to change tactic.
So, now you know that performing fancy soccer moves is great while just chilling on a practice or playing with some friend on your backyard. But the most important thing you have learned is that performing this moves can make your opponents pretty angry and they may chase you every time you receive the ball.
Keep in mind to not treat your opponents like fools and they will treat you 2 with respect.
Good Luck
