College Soccer Scholarship
A college soccer scholarship requires besides being a good soccer players also good grades. In this article you will get tips on what you can do to increase your chances for passing the tryout and get your college scholarship.
1. Performing well – This is the most important thing and without playing well you can only dream about a college soccer scholarship. The question is how good do you need to be actually? Well, let’s say that you are participating in a tryout for a college soccer team. Take a look around at the other players. Ask yourself following questions:
- How good are these guys/girls actually comparing with my own skills?
- Are they pretty skillful or do I have an advantage on many of them?
- What is their weak/strong sides?
- How do I estimate my own chances for passing the tryout from 1-10?
As you realize there are many questions that need to be answered and this takes us to the next point.
2. Preparation - So how can you actually prepare well for a college soccer tryout? Well, you will first need to be in good physical form. Second, you need to take note on how good the other guys are. Third, analyzing your own game and try to improve your mistakes second day. College tryouts last generally several days which gives you an opportunity to take revenge on yourself later.
Other details like sleeping well, eating properly and resting is vital if you want to pass the tryouts. Keep in mind that you can’t go out with friends the night before your tryout starts. Every single piece is important and leaving out one of these will decrease your chances of passing the tryout greatly.
3. Research - Search on Google how well the college is ranked when talking about soccer. If the college is in top ten places then you can be pretty sure that your opponents will be pretty skilled. However, you should not feel discouraged by that. Competition is something good and will just help you to perform better.
4. Keep a relaxed mind - Try not to be stressed and nervous. If you are too nervous you will lose plenty of energy which will affect your performance negatively. Try therefore to be cool and don’t see the tryout like a battle for life or death.
5. Call the coach - This one can be a little nervous, but is an option when you want to know what the coach will primary look for. He or she may look for players with good technique and speed or tall and strong players. His or her answer will give you an indication of what kind of players you will compete with.
6. Uncontrollable things - There are things that you can’t prepare for like bad weather, injuries and so on. However, you should print the 1-5 tips and try to follow them.
Good Luck
