Circuit Soccer Training
Circuit soccer training is an intensive form of fitness training in which you execute a group of exercises one after the other. The important thing is to keep in mind that each of these exercises needs to be performed with big effort and maximum focus.
By using weight machines for your circuit soccer training you will improve your aerobic fitness, flexibility and strength. All machines in the circuit are designed to train a different group of your muscles.
In a general circuit training workout there are usually 5-15 stations to complete in a time of 5 to 20 minutes. Circuit training for soccer, without using weights or with free weights usually consists of 8 to 10 exercises. Every circuit session should start with a general warm up and end with cool down exercises.
A general circuit session should take about 1 hour. It is recommended to have circuit training 2-3 times per week. However, you should not perform any circuit training during the match or practice days.
A general circuit work out
- Chin-ups
- Squat thrusts
- Sit-ups
- Bench step-ups
- Press-ups
- Ski Jumps
- Back extensions
- Free squats
Advantages of circuit training for soccer
• Circuit training can be easily structured and provide you a complete workout
• You don’t need any expensive equipment to perform it
• You may adapt it for any size workout area.
• You can easily add your own exercises and blend them together with the standard ones
• Circuit training can be adjusted to suit any age, fitness or health level
• Circuit training is great for the development of your anaerobic system. Anaerobic is when you perform a high intensity exercises and start to have a burning feeling in your muscles. This is a result of lactic acid production. Your body’s ability to tolerate high lactate levels will improve by participating in circuit training.
Disadvantages of circuit training for soccer
• Circuit training is not the optimal choice if you want to build strength or gain bigger muscles. It is better suited for developing your aerobic endurance or burning fat. The duration of a soccer circuit session can be in the region of 40-60 seconds. However, in some case it may also last as long as 2 min.
• Low volume of exercises for individual muscle groups
• Primarily geared toward fat loss
