Can You Do This?
This is a soccer drill designed for under 6 soccer players. It is designed to work on simple body movement, coordination and balance.
Soccer Drill contributed by: Chris Johnson
Soccer Drill Info:
This is for ages U6, U8. Run this soccer drill with at least 1 players but no more than 18. This soccer drill should last approximately 0 on a small field. Make sure you have the following equipment: cones, .
Soccer Drill Diagram
In a unmarked area gather your players without their soccer ball (you can introduce this later in this drill). The coach should come up with short list of activities such as: skipping, one-legged hops, star jumps, log rolls, summer salts, push-ups, etc...
The coach should start by asking the players "I can do [activity] can you?" The coach should then demonstrate to the players the activity and have the children do the same.
Introduce the soccer ball and change activities to include the soccer ball such as:
* dribbling
* throw ins
* punting
Coaching Points:
* Allow Children the ability to explore their body movements.
* Make it fun for the children!
Technical Dribbling
