Buying Guide for Indoor and Turf Soccer Cleats and Shoes
Buying the right soccer cleats (also called soccer shoes, or soccer footwear) will not only result in a better player; they will prevent foot injuries, which can all too often ruin a soccer player's enjoyment of the game. Soccer cleats should fit closely. Too-big soccer footwear, like shoes everywhere, will slip and rub, causing blisters and affecting stance and balance.
When you measure soccer cleats adult players, the wearer's toe should not press against the end of the shoe, but should come within the width of a thumb when the wearer is standing.
If you're planning to buy popular Nike, Adidas, Puma or Lotto soccer footwear and other soccer gear, start shopping in the summer, before soccer season really starts. Spending a lot of money on soccer shoes may not be justifiable. As long as they fit well, meet the team regulations, and provide support, you can get away with spending less money.
The soles of your cleats should be rubber, and it's best to buy regulation soccer shoes, since other sports footwear are not allowed in soccer. Like shoes womens' cleats will tend to be narrower mens': women with wider feet may find men's cleats fit their feet better. On the other hand, (or foot), men with narrow feet may find that women's cleats fit them better without in any way diminishing their masculinity! Don't let silly marketing ploys con you into buying soccer cleats that don't fit you properly when the perfect size is the next aisle over.
When trying on soccer cleats, wear them with the socks and shin guards that will be used in practice and at games. It's important to feel the way each item matches its fit with the others.
For beginning soccer players who don't have grand notions, synthetic uppers with rubber soles (Nike, Adidas, Lotto and Puma offer several styles and price ranges) will do just fine, preventing the problems other players will have with leather shoes. Leather uppers can become stiff and out of shape if they get wet and are improperly dried: synthetics tend to be more forgiving. If your cleats to get wet, stuff them with newspaper and let them dry naturally, without added heat.
If you are playing indoors, or in a gym, you may decide to use sneakers or cross-trainers for soccer. They should be stable, without built-up soles or heels, and they should have rubber soles for adequate traction on smooth floors.
Soccer shoes that fit right enhance the enjoyment of the game as well as the skill level of the player. Take the extra time and energy to find the best soccer shoes for your feet and the conditions under which you are playing.
