Brazil soccer players – how to increase your skills by using their training methods
Have you ever asked yourself what you need to do to get the same technique as Brazil soccer players? Well, the biggest secret is not a secret at all, they just practice a lot. In this guide we will check out some other valuable methods that you can use to increase your skills with ball. So, let’s start with the first one.
How often should you practice
Well, there is no exact answer on this one but I always recommend you to practice as soon as you have time. However, you should not skip your school education or other important activities like doing your school homework just to play soccer. Always keep in mind that school is the most important thing and you will be just fine.
Bad weather, what to do?
Other problem you may face is bad weather. If you really feel that you don’t want to go out and kick the ball then don’t do it. However, you could practice inside to increase your strength by doing sit-up’s and push-ups. Brazil soccer players always practice whether it is raining or the sun is shining. This is why they are so good.
Using a small ball instead of your regular one
This is something that is unique for Brazil soccer player’s technique. Namely, you will not see many teams practicing with a small ball. However, in Brazilian soccer this is pretty common for players younger than 18. The reason for why they use a small ball is that a small ball is harder to control but when you gain enough skill to control a small ball, your skills will directly increase when using your regular practice ball. If you want proof on this one, start to juggle for 10 min or so using a pretty small ball. Change then to your regular ball, what happens? :-)
Playing on sand
Playing on sand will give you great balance and ball control; however it is not the easiest thing to find, especially not in countries that have colder weather circumstances comparing to Brazil. One idea is to practice on sand only during the summer month. Keep in mind that you should not wear any shoes or socks while playing on sand. The reason for this is that your touch on the ball will get more natural.
Never give up
Brazilian players have great confidence and it is not because they are selfish or something, it’s because they know that soon or later they will get a chance to show what they can. You should not therefore feel like it is the end of the world if you have not managed to pass a tryout.
What Brazilian players generally do is not to sit down and feel sad, instead they ask the coach why they were not drafted and what they need to improve to get into the team. On this way you will spot your weak sides because it is hard to criticize yourself. Having someone analyzing your game from the side (especially a skilled soccer coach) is great for improving your game.
